Status of L.A. medical marijuana dispensaries

The Los Angeles city at­tor­ney’s of­fice has warned more than 200 med­ic­al marijuana dis­pens­ar­ies to shut down im­me­di­ately or face legal action. The warnings began with let­ters sent to 141 dis­pens­ar­ies on March 7 and an­oth­er 60 on March 23. Dis­pens­ar­ies tar­geted in­clude those that did not re­gister to par­ti­cip­ate in a lot­tery — not yet sched­uled — that will se­lect 100 col­lect­ives to op­er­ate in the city. Op­er­at­ors of 231 dis­pens­ar­ies have ap­plied to be in­cluded in the draw­ing.